Plants for the production of Christmas trees.

Hjorthede Nursery produces plants for Christmas tree producers across Europe. Our main product for Christmas tree production is Nordmann fir, but also Norway spruce, Blue spruce, Siberian fir, and Korean fir.

Read more about Nordmann fir here!


Most plants are produced on 3-4 year contracts. A contract production guarantees you the best available provenances at a low fixed price. For production of Christmas trees provenances are of major importance and we are committed to having the best provenances. We particularly emphasize the following provenances:

Nordmann fir (Abies nordmanniana)
Silkeborg FP259 - 3.2 ha recent Danish provenance, based on plus trees from Tversted. We expect a lot from this provenance, 5-10% better yield than Ambrolauri Tlugi. We have yet to gather more data.

Tversted F526 & F527-one of the best Danish provenances (0.7 + 1.9 ha). Presumably progeny from Borshomi in Georgia. Has roughly the same leafing timing as Ambrolauri Tlugi, but is not as broad.

Ambrolauri Tlugi - Ambrolauri is a forest district and Tlugi is a forest section. So it is quite a large area of several thousand hectares. Each section is in itself  30-200 hectares and the seed harvesting rights are offered per section at auction. Hjorthede Nursery owns a share in the license to harvest seed in Section 2, but also buys seed from other sections. Ambrolauri Tlugi is the classic provenance for the production of Nordmann fir Christmas trees, but the quality can vary somewhat, since it is a large area that is harvested, even within individual sections. There is not yet established 3-party certification of seed origin, so there may in years of seed shortage be some uncertainty about the precise origin of the seed.

Berritzgård F665 - Danish provenance originating from Ambrolauri (2.4 ha). Especially suited to the better Danish soils.

Norway spruce (Picea abies)
Buderupholm - Danish provenances selected for high yield of xmas tree.

Blue spruce (Picea pungens glauca)
Misty Blue - gives very blue trees!

Siberian fir (Abies sibirica)
Novosibirisk – copes with very low winter temperatures!

Korean fir (Abies koreana)
Truust - very dense and compact provenience with a moderate growth rate.

Rocky mountain Fir (Abies lasiocarpa)
Arizona - slow growing and tolerates low winter temperatures



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