
Plants for production of greenery

Greenery production is mainly bases around the species noble fir, nordmanns fir, cypress and pine species.

For the production of noble fir, provenances are of utmost importance and we are very committed to having the best provenances. We would particularly draw attention to the following noble fir provenances:

Noble fir (Abies procera)

C. E Flensborg FP623 - Very blue provenance.
Mølleskoven F.681 - Generally good provenance regarding colour, production and coverage.


Cypress (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana)

Randbøl Nederskov F.426


Macedonian pine (Pinus peuce)

Truust DK - Five needled pine with thin soft needles, suitable for cuttings.


Mountain pine (Pinus mugo)

Vang/Septrup Sanede - Course pine suited for clippings.


Nordmann fir (Abies nordmanniana)

Ambrolauri / Berritsgård F.665 / Ny Saltbjerg F.808 / Tversted F.527 + F.526 / Silkeborg Nordskov FP259 / Skibelund FP266 / Mesmay / Mosemark Tuse Næs FP2551

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