From Garden Center to large scale production.

Hjorthede Nursery has been through an extensive development since 1973, when Thorkild Iversen bought what was then a small garden center. After some years the focus of production was shifted from end consumer production to large scale production of bare root plants for the forest industry.


Hjorthede Nursery has a production area of approx. 90 ha. Which produce primarily bare root plants for forest, shelter belts, hedging and christmas tree and greenery production. Our up to date production facilities take heed to the environment, which is ensured by our continuous development of new production methods and optimizing each individual work operation.


Green environment and common sense

• We use spraying to a limited extent.

• We use mechanical weeding as much as possible.

• We invest in new machinery that can reduce pesticide use.

• We are proactive in our weed strategy.

• We use manual weeding methods.

• We register all our energy, pesticide and fertilizer consumption for environmental certification.


Prime seed sources

• We buy our seeds from serious Danish seed merchants according to the following order of priority.

1.Gode Danish provenances.
2.Seed Quality
3.Seed price.

• We buy seed early in the season to ensure the best provenances and optimum seed quality.

• We use seed source descriptions in our selection of seed sources, and we have extensive knowledge on which localities individual provenances  are best suited.

• We treat our seeds in a customised climate facility for optimal germination and to avoid use of fungicides.


Personnel and HR Policies

• We have a competent staff of 14 skilled and trained staff.

• We have extensive experience and thorough knowledge of plant care, handling and sorting.

• We work according to principles:
1.The right plant
2.At the right place
3.At the time agreed
4.To the agreed price

We are open for dialogue both with old and new customers and partners.

Call us to make an appointment.

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